WHEAT 12.50 % HARD Origin : Russia
- Moisture : Max. 13% , ISO 712
- Organoleptic: Bright, characteristic appearance, natural smell, taste, and color Visual inspection
- Contrasting class : Max. 1.50%, Visual inspection
- Test weight: Min. 76 kg/hl , ISO 7971
- Weight of 1000grain (as received, including moisturecontent) : Min. 30g , ISO 520
- Broken kernel: Max. 2% , ISO 5223
- Shrunken/shriveled and broken kernels: Max. 4% by weight , ISO 5223
- Insect damaged kernels: Max. 1.5% by weight , Visual inspection
- Sprouted kernels: Max. 2% , Visual inspection
- Heat damaged kernels: Max. 0.2% , Visual inspection
- Total damaged kernels: Max. 6.0% by weight , ISO 7970
- Organic matter: Max. 1.5% by weight , Visual inspection
- Inorganic matter: Max. 0.05% by weight , Visual inspection
- Unsound grains: Max. 1% , Visual inspection
- Ergot: Max. 0.05% by weight , Visual inspection
- Grains infected by diseases and fungus: Max. 4% , Visual inspection
- Grains attacked by pests: Max. 1.50% , Visual inspection
- Filth & Dead insect: Max. 0.1% , Visual inspection
- Toxic or noxious seeds: Crotolaria (Crotolaria spp.) , Jimson weed (Datura spp.) , Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.)
- Corn cockle (Agrostemma githago L.) , Max. 1 seed per 1kg (for each seeds).
- Visual examination on one kg sample (size of sample as per GAFTA sampling rules)5
- Toxic or noxious seeds: Mexican Poppy (Argemone mexicana) , Cocklebur* (Xanthium species) , Field bindweed (Convolvulus spp.) , Darnel Ryegrass (Lolium temulentum) , Morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)
- Max. 7 seeds per 1kg (for each seeds)
- Total broken kernels, shriveled/shrunken kernels, unsound grains, sprouted grains, grains attacked by pests and other cereals : Max. 6% , ICC No. 105
- Stone/Glass/ Live insect/ Parasites and remains of rodents and birds : Nil , Visual inspection , On flour sample (100% extraction rate)
- Protein content: Min. 14.5% on total as is و, ICC No. 105
- Wet gluten: Min. 26% , ISO 21415-1
- Hagberg falling number: Min. 250 seconds , ISO 3093
- Fat acidity: Max. 45 mg KOH/100g , ISO 7305 AOAC 939.05
- Radiation (Only for wheats originated from Ukraine, Kazakhstan & Russia) , Cesium-137, radionuclides less than
- : 10 Bq/kg\ ,, WEAC.RN.METHOD3.0 , (Cs and other)
- GMO (Only if required): Negative (< 0.9% of GMO material)
WHEAT 12.50 % SOFT Origin : Russia
- Moisture :14% max.
- Protein content : 12,5% min. (N x 5.7 in dry matter)
- Wet gluten : 26% min
- Hagberg falling number : 220 min.
- Zeleny index : 22 min.
- Specific weight : 74kg/hl min.
- Aflatoxin total : 4 microgram/kg max.
- Ochratoxin: 5 microgram/kg max.
- Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin) : 1250 microgram/kg max.
- Presence of Datura seeds and other toxic seeds or traces of tropane alkaloids: Nil
- Matter which is not basic cereal of unimpaired quality : 10%
- Broken grains : Max. 3% grain pieces or grains passing through a sieve with a circular mesh 2.5 mm in diametreGrain impurities : 5% (shrivelled grains, grains of other cereals, grains damaged by pests, grains in which the germ is discoloured and grains overheated during drying)
- Sprouted grains : 2.5% max.
- Miscellaneous impurities : 1% (weed seeds, damaged grains, extraneous matter, husks, decayed grains, dead insects and insect fragments)
- Ergot : 0.05% max.
Toxic or harmful grains 0.1% max.
Flour quality :The flour made from the grain must be machinable, workable and not sticky